Texas Tech Rangebarn Herpetofauna

As a side project, I've started conducting some herpetofaunal surveys on the rangebarn here at Texas Tech University. We're going to be using VES surveys as well as line-transects. It's an interesting tract of land, as it seems herpetofauna are thriving well in the incased, urban-locked environment. I theorize there may some relationships between the surrounding urban elements and the herpetofauna on the landscape.

During our first survey we captured a breeding pair of Western coachwhips, and a very large bullsnake. The bullsnake's display was convincing, but I was never actually struck. A very cool moment to experience! These surveys will be performed through the summer and into the fall (Apparently there are kingsnakes out there, we gotta find those ASAP).

Western coachwhips


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